PowerTools Student-Led Meeting Toolkit™ INCLUDES ALL MATERIALS!
PowerTools Student-Led Meeting Toolkit™ INCLUDES ALL MATERIALS!
PowerTools’ Student Led Meeting Toolkit sets you up to implement student-run meetings in your Advisory, classroom, small group sessions or after school program. Students run the show in this well structured ritual, where youth practice facilitation skills that prepare them for the future and enable them to talk about issues that are important to them. Each toolkit supports up to 20 students.
Teacher-created and student-tested (in schools nationally), the PowerTools Student-Led Meeting is a hit with youth. We love it because it too because it provides a relevant, fun way for youth to practice:
Public speaking
social awareness
Time management
Articulation of what’s important to them, their values and identities
Community Building
This kit includes a Lesson to introduce and scaffold the Student Led Meeting, facilitation tips and a Facilitator’s Guide that you’ll cut out and laminate.